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자문 위원


Dr. Nicole Luke


  • 미국 컬럼비아대학교 특수교육학전공 석사
  • 미국 컬럼비아대학교 응용행동분석학전공 박사
  • 박사급 행동분석가(BCBA-D)
  • 미국 북미, 유럽, 아시아 KABVA기관 자문위원
  • 임상가를 위한 슈퍼비전제공
  • 캐나다 Brook University의 Applied Behavior Analysis 프로그램 주소
  • 논문활동 :

· Hugh-Pennie,A.K.,Park,H.S.L.,Luke,N.,&Lee,G.T. (2018). Applied Behavior Analysis as a Teaching Technology. In V.C. Bryan, A.T. Musgrove, & J.R. Powers (Eds.) Handbook of Research on Human Development in the Digital Age (pp. 330-362). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

· Keohane,D.D.,Luke,N.,&Greer,R.D. (2008). The things we care to see: The effects of rotated protocol immersion on the emergence of early observing responses. Journal of Early and Intensive Behavior Intervention, 5(1), 23.

· Luke,N.,Greer,R.D.,Singer-Dudek,J.,&Keohane,D.D. (2011). The emergence of autoclitic frames in atypically and typically developing children as a function of multiple exemplar instruction. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 27(1), 141-156.

Dr. Gabrielle T. Lee


  • Rutgers University 상담심리 석사
  • Columbia University 응용행동분석 박사
  • University of California, Santa Barbara BCBA coursework
  • 박사급 행동분석가(BCBA-D)
  • 현)캐나다 Western University의 응용행동분석 프로그램의 Assistant Professor
  • 전) 미국 Michigan State University 특수교육 연구 교수
  • 논문활동 :

· Lee, G. T., Hu, X., Liu, Y., & Yang, Z. (2021). Improving pretend play in children with autism through experiencing stimulus properties of real objects. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 54(4), 1369-1384.

· Lee, G. T., Hu, X. Liu, S (2022). Teaching metaphorical generation via tact and match-to-sample instructions: A brief report. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Advance Online Publication

· Lee, G. T., He, L., & Xu, S. (2021). Using cooperative physical activities in inclusive settings to enhance social interactions for preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder in China. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions. Advance online publication

· Lee, G. T., LeePark, H., Kim, S., Park, M., & Park, S. (2020). Using intraverbal training to increase symbolic play in children with autism spectrum disorder. Behavioral Interventions, 35(3), 467-482.

· Lee, G. T., Xu, S., Zou, H. Gilic, L., Lee, M. W. (2019). Teaching children with autism to understand metaphors. The Psychological Record, 69(4), 449-512.